Build a web-scraped time-series application with AWS CDK in TypeScript — Part 3

The setup of CDK project and structure

Michael Chan
4 min readNov 5, 2020

Previous: Part 2. The key and index design of DynamoDB

Create The Project

Before creating the project, please go through the prerequisite steps.
If everything is ready, let’s run the following command in the terminal to create our project:

mkdir world-indices-monitor-backend
cd world-indices-monitor-backend
cdk init app --language typescript

Here I used world-indices-monitor-backend as my project name, you can use your own but do remember your difference when following this tutorial.

Project created! You should have the project like this (my cdk CLI version is 1.68.0):

The freshly created project

Install Dependencies

Let’s install some basic dependencies we will need in the project:

npm install --save @aws-cdk/aws-apigateway @aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb @aws-cdk/aws-events @aws-cdk/aws-events-targets @aws-cdk/aws-iam @aws-cdk/aws-lambda aws-sdk axios dotenv lodash simply-utils puppeteer@5.3.x puppeteer-core@5.3.x chrome-aws-lambda@5.3.xnpm install --save-dev @types/aws-lambda @types/lodash webpack webpack-cli webpack-bundle-analyzer @types/puppeteer file-loader@6.x
package.json with installed dependencies

Let’s also talk briefly about usage of some of the uncommon dependencies:

  1. dotenv: Environment variable (secrets) storing outside of source code
  2. simply-utils: A declarative utility library used in this project.
  3. puppeteer , puppeteer-core A web scraping library with headless browser instance. In our project we will not directly use its source code, as simply-utils provides an abstraction for that. But we will still use its type when writing our codes. Note that puppeteer and puppeteer-core should have the same version number.
  4. chrome-aws-lambda : A library that enables AWS lambda to use puppeteer with a chromnium instance.
  5. file-loader : A dependency that is required by chrome-aws-lambda on build time.

Ignore node_modules for Type-checking

If you now try to run npm run watch , you will probably got some errors from some libraries from the node_modules folder. To fix this, add "skipLibCheck": true under "compilerOptions" of tsconfig.json to skip libraries type check.

Configure Browser Environment for TypeScript

Although our project is mainly on a Node environment. Since some of our codes for web-scraping later are actually on a browser/DOM environment, we have to add "dom" and "dom.iterable" to the compilerOptions.lib in tsconfig.json like the following:

"compilerOptions": {
"lib": ["es2018", "dom", "dom.iterable"]

Otherwise, you might be getting some errors later on type-checking like HTMLTableRowElemen is undefined .

Configure tsconfig.json for Node 12

You can also configre tsconfig.json to support Node version 12 by following this

Add Some Scripts

Let’s add some useful scripts:

"scripts": {
"watch": "tsc --watch --noemit",
"clearbuildcache": "rm -rf ./build && rm -rf ./bundles",

The Project Structure

I will structure the project as follows:

/bin <-- Created by CDK
/bundles <-- bundled from build folder by webpack
/build <-- built by TypeScript
  1. src/helpers: for putting common helper functions
  2. src/lib: for putting common codes that can be grouped into some namespaces
  3. src/models: for putting app data model related codes
  4. src/services: for putting difference services, e.g. api, cron, logging etc. In this application we will have api service and cron service.
  5. build: the output directory of TypeScript build, with the exactly same folder structure as src. It is an intermediate folder which we won’t use it directly but it acts as the bundler input.
  6. bundles: containing the JavaScript files, which only includes /handlers code, bundled by webpack.

Since CDK created a lib folder for us to put our source code, let’s change it to src instead. All you have to do is to change the folder name and also any import statement using the world-indices-monitor-backend-stack.ts file.

In this application our approach is putting source code and “CDK construct code” (code used to be compiled as an AWS Cloudformation template yaml file) close together, but keep in mind which is going to run and which is just for building the stack. Say in the /cron directory only the cron.ts will contain such “construct code”.

Configure absolute import

Add "baseUrl": "./" under "compilerOptions" of tsconfig.json to allow us to import like import something from 'src/models/something' . The reason to keep src in the import path is that we will need it later for our webpack configuration.

Configure Jest for absolute import

In this project we will not cover any unit-test implementation like using Jest. However, if you ever want to do so. You might need to add the following configuration to make the absolute path works in test:

// jest.config.js
module.exports = {
moduleNameMapper: {
'src/(.*)': '<rootDir>/src/$1',

Create Services’ Constructs

Under /src/services/cron , create cron.ts and index.ts like the following:

// cron.ts
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'
function construct (scope: cdk.Construct): void {
// CDK Construct of cron service goes here
export default { construct }
// index.ts
export { default } from './cron'

Do the same for src/services/api and then call these child constructs in the main construct (PROJECT-NAME-stack.ts):

// world-indices-monitor-backend-stack.ts
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
import api from './services/api'
import cron from './services/cron'
export class WorldIndicesMonitorBackendStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
// Initialize cron service
// Initialize api service



Michael Chan

Based in Hong Kong, a passionate learner and perfectionist, who wants to build something cool with quality.